Living the island life in Oahu, Hawaii was one of the most memorable & magical times of my life. Most days I spent my time traveling around the island and indulging in all this tropical paradise had to offer. Hawaiian life was my ultimate dream come true and a time in my life I will never forget.

During my time in Hawaii I lived life off the deep end. I swam with sharks, something I used to find terrifying. I climbed up mountains and jumped off cliffs, despite my fear of heights. I showered in waterfalls, no matter how cold the water was. I learned how to dive to the ocean floor, despite insisting that I wasn’t a strong swimmer. I cracked open my own coconuts, just for fun. I squealed literally every time I saw a sea turtle, because it truly never gets old. During my time in Hawaii I found new passions, I was bold, I fell in love, and I healed my heart.

This little green island is a home I will carry with me for the rest of my days. Thank you Jesus for the biggest blessing of my entire life. Island life in Oahu, Hawaii was a dream come true and an experience I will never forget.

Photographer: @marissa_kaitlyn_

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