When you think of an elopement do you picture two people running away together, getting married, and not telling anyone? Well, our elopement story in Oahu, Hawaii is a lot like that! One day when we went down into the city to get pizza Brandon surprised me, in the car of all places, with a ring! I was so excited and surprised to see the most gorgeous little pawnshop ring. I actually knocked it out of his hands and down in between the seats of the car. After fishing it out and saying “YES” we drove to the courthouse in Honolulu to pick up a marriage license.

THE VERY NEXT DAY we decided to elope on the beach on the North Shore of Oahu. We woke up that morning and drove to our favorite little bakery to get some pastries. After breakfast, we went home and took a quick snooze. When we woke up from our nap I curled my hair, put on some makeup, and got dressed in a white sundress that was perfect for a beach wedding. Brandon wore his new Tommy Bahama shirt we had picked out the day before and we headed to the beach.

Luckily Brandon worked with someone who was already ordained in Hawaii so he met us there to sign our marriage license. A local photographer had kindly offered to take photos for us after learning we weren’t planning on having any. I’m so thankful she did because our elopement story in Oahu, Hawaii is something I never want to forget. After a giggly, unrehearsed ceremony we signed the license, using each other’s backs as a writing surface. When we looked up we saw a sea turtle had crawled up on the beach right next to us! I am still convinced that was a sign of good luck!

We took some photos in the trees and on the beach before we packed up and drove to Waikiki for the evening. Brandon had booked us a stay at the Hale Koa for the night, a beautiful military resort right on the beach. In the morning we went to breakfast and spent some time on the beach before heading home. Our elopement story in Oahu was simple and sweet. We slowly told our friends and family over the next several months but never made an official announcement. It was a day just for us and I loved every minute of it.

My Life



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