Working with Heather and Bryant was so much fun and such a perfect setting for me to get creative. We met up in Oceanside, California and watched some dolphins play in the shore break while the sun started to dip in the sky. The whole scene was such a vibe! They brought their electric bikes on the beach for sunset and it ended up being the most fun prop I have ever shot with!

We started our shoot on the top of the cliffs with a view of the entire beach below. We played and laughed and they made it easy for me to capture some special details. You can instantly tell how in love they are and that they truly are each other’s best friend.

After awhile we moved down to the beach and got out the electric bikes. We started out with Heather riding on the back of Bryant’s bike and I loved the way her hair was flying in the wind. Then we picked things up with some beach racing. The whole shoot was so fun we didn’t want to stop. In fact we kept going even after the sun had set! Overall I loved working with these two and feel honored to have captured them.

Photographer: @marissa_kaitlyn_

Couple: @hbgoodie @brygoodman

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